Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Nice to see everyone.

The trip to TX was a long one. On the plus side, when I got home, I got to see everyone I wanted too. Mom was there and awake and my cousin Anthony, and then my sis Mandy and her husband showed up with my big little nephew, Sean. Then Anthony ran me over to Kristal's house where I saw her and the twins, Kennedy and Marin and my cousin Kimmie as well. Then we decided to stop by the hotel and see my grandparents (not Anthony's--he was such a sweetie to hang with me), and lo-and-behold, my Dad was there! I haven't seen Dad in years, so that was a nice surprise, I sure did miss him. I got to ride in his truck (scary!) and talk alot with Grandmommy and Grandpa, it was so wonderful. Anthony and I were going to go out, but when we got home it was almost 10 and I was wiped--so we decided to hang at the house and have a few beers. I remember laying on the couch and trying to listen to a story from him and the next thing I knew I woke up and it was 4 in the morning. LOL--needless to say I made it to my Mom's fluffy bed and got alot of much needed ZZZs.

I flew out Sunday and was layed over in Denver for an extra,and was sooooooooo incredibly happy to make it home to my man (and great to have a nice talk and unload all the crap that had been bothering me, so that there's nothing between us) and my kids and get to sleep soundly next to my nice, warm husband. It's sooooooo good to be home!


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