Friday, April 29, 2005

I can't believe this!

It's snowing here! Again! Poopy!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

New Pics, and other news

Here are our pics from fishing last weekend. The old man was so very proud of his fish, it being of edible size. It was the first fish he caught up here, and his first trout ever. He did catch another one, but it was small and had to go back, so we saved this one for a future meal. I, on the other hand, didn't get so much as a nibble even if I did kill alot of worms via drowning. But the kids were good, and it was a sunny, beautiful mountain day. I'm looking forward to summer when the fish are abundant and we can take advantage of this beauty we live in.

Also, on the me side--my scale was so good to me this morning--down to 142, so it's being spared a horrible death from my balcony. I love the scale today!

Con Man was awesome in the play! I was so proud of him, it made me cry (yeah, I'm a softie.) He did great on his lines and didn't fidget to much. He's getting so big!

All my outdoors men

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Little Fisherman

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I'm so proud!

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Little Ball Player

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What a Ham!!!

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The Star Pig

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My Pig

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My baby's a piggy!

Today Con Man has his first "real" school play. They're doing a version of the Little Red Hen. My boy is going to be a little piggy. He was supposed to be a little brown pig, but we couldn't find brown sweats anywhere, so he's going to be a little black pig. It's sooooo cute. I'm going to go shower my stinky self now and get ready and when I get back I'll try to post whatever pics I can get with my crapola camera as soon as possible. I was going to tell him to break a leg, but I think that would just scare him. Isn't it bad enough that he thinks all he's going to get for Christmas is his two front teeth? *hmmmmm*

Check out my man!

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Gotta love those husky forearms!  Gives me a thrill!  It's the main reason I love this man (just kidding!)

My Easter Egg Hunters...

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Pokey, Con, and Little J

Say Cheese!!--(green cheese...)

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Here's me.  It dosen't seem I'll be able to get the old posts transfered after all de to my dinosaur computer that won't let me pull up the saved version of the old blog.  But I'll try my best to keep it up...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

There and Back Again...

Well, I've made the long and arduous journey form Midearthseeker to here. I'm sorry for all the confusion, but I was having trouble juggling this with my darker side and I had to start over. So here I am...stay tuned for my transfer of all my old blogs...and future updates...