Thursday, August 11, 2005

Johnny's off to school! (keeping fingers crossed)

I have some pretty good news. Johnny is probably going to be able to be in pre-k. You know I can't afford it, but the headstart program here has a half day program for the kids who don't qualify financially, but could still benefit from early learning before kinder (there's a checklist--things like short attention span, his brother's speech problems, lack of childcare in the area, not close family nearby, ect...), so it looks good. He didn't get in last year, but they make the 4 year olds a priority. I'll know for sure by Sept 1st. How awesome is that? It's four hours a day, so I may be able to work part time, but even if I can't at least I get a break and he gets to have some better structured learning than I do here. I'm thrilled--this would be great!


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