Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Can I get a high five??

I have to say I am one happy camper today! We went camping this weekend and I thought I ate like a pig, so needless to say I thought the scale was NOT going to be my friend, but lo-and-behold: IT SAID 135!!!!! Hell yeah!!! Five to go baby! And then the push to 125, but I can take my time for that! This is so aswome! Whazzzuuupppp!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2005

Hola and Hello Beautiful People!

Ok, I'm over my bad mood now! Actually I was over it days ago but was too tired to sit here and type. Tx was DA BOMB! I got to go out with my Mom and Sis and my pimpin Asian Cuz, Anthony (that was for you baby! ;) ). We had a good time having drinks together and being silly, dancing to 80's music, and watching Mom get hit on by a younger guy--hahaha! It was a blast. Sat. night I went out with my best Gal, Kaci, to the club and got a bit krunked up and shaked our boootays till they threw us out. I got hit on 545,788,374,38,348,383,210 times and felt like a hottie! It was awesome--the only thing missing was our husbands--but we made due! I was one of the thin girls again--yay--I can't expresses what a boost that was to me! If anyone out there feels the need to lose a few--lemme tell ya---GET IT DONE!! You will feel so incredible once you do it!

Anyways, Sun. we had a BBQ with Jody's family and all our old friends came. We had a great time talking about the "good ol' days" and having a few beers (but not me, I had enough Sat!) The food was great, but I'll admit I didn't try any of the turtle that got killed and cooked! You think I'm jokin? I'm not! The closest buds stayed until we had to kick them out--just kidding, so needless to say we didn't get as early of a start home as we had planned, but we still made pretty good time. We made it home (to our clean house--yes!) in just enough time to collapse into bed so my man could go to work the next day.

I'm almost all the way unpacked now, but I'm taking my time and enjoying the Summer with my little boys. They're cleaning like crazy right now so they can go fingerpaint outside and then we'll head down to the park to play. And have I mentioned how much I LOVE it here! The weather is mild and gorgeous--it's lovely! Much love to all my peeps! Peace out!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So sue me...

I know I haven't been writing, but to be fair--neither have you. There is a comment link and I would appreciate feedback if you care whether or not I keep this up. It's hard to find time to write at all. I have some new pics to put on eventually, but I'm in no rush...lemme know.

In other news, we're on our way back down to Tx for a little visit tomorrow! Yippee!!! We are all very excited, especially the boys. Con has a picnic tomorrow and then we're outta here! See ya if ya live there!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

In the home stretch!!!

Scale being so good to me lately! It usually hates me, but it was 140 on Sun. morning and it said 140 this morning too. So I'm within 10 #'s of my goal (+an extra 5 wouldn't hurt, but I'll be thrilled with losing this last ten).

Also, it's only a week till we take Tx by storm--I can't wait!!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My Backside...(heeheehee)

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Here's the back, the colors are a bit off.  I don't know if I'll keep it, but for now---I'm a REDHEAD!!!

My new hair...

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Sorry I look so tired, it's b/c I am.  I had a few beers last night...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Yippee Ty Yay--Texas here we come!

Ok, so that was lame, but it's been stuck in my head from one of those stupid cartoons my kids used to watch before we ditched cable, I just had to use it. As of today there's exactly two weeks till we head south and I can't wait! I'm gonna pee myself I'm so excited!!!! (just kidding!*wink*) Con and Poke keep talking about it all the time. (of course, J's too little to know) I've lost like 2 #'s so far this week, (gotta look killa for all my fans down there--harhar!), and hopefully one or two more by weigh-in on Sun. I'm aiming for at least 135# by the time we leave for Tx so I gotta push it. (real good...it's a S&P thang, if ya know what I mean, you're as cool as me!) BTW--when I say things like that, (which I do quite often), it's sarcasm. Just in case you didn't know---The Old Man didn't...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Jody's Putting On A BRA!!!!!

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OMG!!!  Hahaha, gotcha!  He bought a bra for out truck and installed it today.  Now she'll get to stay perky!

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That's my man, working on his bra--oops! I mean truck. heehee

Our truck baby, wearing the bra...

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Sleepy eyes...

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Nah, but this is the best I got of Con man before the camera died. I cropped it in real close so you can see my little cowboy, but I'm afraid he was blinking...

An ok one of moi!

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Here is my first pic with my new web-cam, (that my darling man got me for my birthday). Now I can show Kaci all my favorite clothes--yipee!!! Oh yeah, and people can see the kids in real time if they sign-up for Yahoo IM and chat with us...

My Little Cowpattie...

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Sorry I don't have a pic of Con or baby, but the camera ran out of space. But isn't he a cute little buckeroo??? I know the answer to that!

Starring ME!!! (and the little ones...)

I went to the grocery store this morning after I took Conner to school, and since I hadn't dressed the littler ones before I left, I popped them in the back and was getting them dressed. A man walked up and said "Excuse me, I noticed you with your kids .(I'm thinking "great a perv or a salesman") Are you familiar with the Pagosa Springs Sun's 'Whadda Ya Think' Column?" "Why yes I am." I replied. "Can I ask you what's the best thing you could receive for Mother's Day?" he asked. I told him, "I just hope my husband remembers!" He laughed, wrote it down and proceeded to take my pic with my two J babies. I played it cool, of course, being used to having my picture in the paper (NOT!), but I was really excited. Out of 15,000 peeps, I'm one of 4 in the paper this week. Yay! I'm just glad that I had the forethought to put on make-up before I went for a change. If anyone wants copies--lemme know!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Rain, rain and other news...

Rain, rain go away! Why does God like to smite me so? Here I live in the most beautiful place in the world and I'm shut away inside because of the stormy skies. How I lament all this dreary weather! And I'm stuck away down in this hole of my down stairs, feeling very hobbitish, hiding from the noise of the race my man's watching!

It's our anniversary today! Yay us! We are so happy now. I'm so glad to have stuck around for all these years, because now it's really paying off. He's so loving and we have such a peaceful feeling (most of the time*wink*). I can't believe how much love can grow over the years! I bought us a special cake and some steaks, since we can't go out, but we'll have a good time here. I'm going to have to show some mighty restraint with the cake though. It looks really good, and the scale has been my friend this week, staying at 142 for three days now. I want to keep it going so that when I get to Tx. next month there's no mistaking that I've lost almost 30 pounds! I'll keep ya'll in the loop about me! Love to all my peoples!