Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Daily grind.

Not much here. Home visit with John's teachers today. They did an assessment on him and he's pretty smart--not really a genius, BUT he may be a mathematical prodigy!! I'm not kidding! Well, ok this was no IQ test--just a 'where he is' assessment, but they have a portion where he counts as high as they can and the highest they can score is to count to 20. (This test is for 4 year olds.) My baby counted to 59! She even wrote that underneath and underlined it! Ok, maybe genius is a strong word, but he is very intense when he's counting. He can count to 100, just sometimes gets off track or misses some. And of course he knew all his shapes and colors and some of his letters. But I don't know that that's so special--but I do know some 4 year olds don't know those things. So that was exciting.

And then I took the older boys to the dentist and they have great teeth, except Conner needs to brush the molars better and he couldn't get his x-rays even though he's old enough now, bc their new digital ones were to big and made him gag until he cried. Cheaper for me--only 28 bucks! I always thought it'd be more expensive than that. We'll be going more regularly now. But maybe not to that dentist--he was sorta rude--barely said two words to me. Maybe he was mad that he wouldn't be getting paid for the x-rays...

Oh and I guess we're rich now because we are proud new parents of a Playstation 2. What??? You can't tell how thrilled I am? Yeah, I'm sure it will bring me hours of entertainment. Screw buying a house. *sigh*


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