Thursday, September 01, 2005

Like OMG!!! Where have you been all my life???

Ok, I'm being overly dramatic ass usual, but really--the last 10 years at least! I was perusing peeps form my old HS and my eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets when I saw my little (but very grown up now) step-sister!! So, I wasn't really sure, but given her web addy name and her looks, and from checking her friends blog where she was referred to by her first and middle names (that would be a coincidence indeed, had it not been her)--I drew the hypothesis that it was indeed her and decided to write a letter. I was trembling as I wrote it, because well, it's been ten years--and if you know my past--you know why it was so weird. Nuff said.

She didn't answer till the next day and I was a bit nervous that A) It wasn't her after all, or B) She hated me and didn't want to speak to me. So just when I was going to give up and wait another 10 years--she wrote me back!!! *SPLAT!!!* (that was my eyes popping out--I warned you...)

So I wrote her back and then she got my other ex-step sis' (and long time BFF) IM addy, and we've been talking for two days. I can't believe I've even gotten supper on the table we've been talking so much.

It's so weird--I've spent so much time wondering how there lives have turned out--worrying that our chaotic child hood had spewed them in to unhappy wasted pathetic adult lives (I can't believe I didn't get swept there!), and here they are--normal (well--close enough) people--living fairly normal lives. And eerily similar to mine and my sisters...hmmm... So I could fill you in on all the details--but I'm sure there's so much left to learn, and as usual, I've babbled on long enough. I've got to go and try to plow into Harry Potter's life, or I may never read again...

Peace out ya'll--and remember this : The past might have kicked your ass, but it only keeps kicking it if you allow it to by living in it. Hope lies forward.


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