Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Still hangin' in there kitty...

Well, Conner started back at school yesterday. For the very first time there was some drama. He was afraid of meeting all those new people, but by the end of the day he said it was fine. Still doesn't seem thrilled at the prospect of going again, but at least this morning there were no tears. I'm afraid for him, it's hard to turn him loose into the wide world, but eventually that's where he'll have to live, so he's got to go. I wish I could go with him and convince all the other kids that he's a cool guy and lots of fun, but then he'd be a woosie mama's boy, so he'll just have to get to know them on his own. One more month to go and John will be in school as well, and then I just won't know what to do with myself with only one baby at home. I guess my house will finally start being spotless like I always dreamt it would be. *wink* Well, I'm gonna chill for now, but maybe later, you'll get your chance (to hear from me again). Peace out.


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