Friday, August 19, 2005

Clouds over my heart.

So you ever notice that the weather mirrors you moods? I don't know if it's merely coincidence or so cosmic overlapping, but the last week as been rainy and muddy, dark and gloomy as have my thoughts, but last night it cleared away and gave us sunny skies today and also my darkness has been swept away for the time being. It does so good to talk and clear the heart. Sometimes I just want to shut down and not say anything at all, because I feel like it won't make any difference anyways, but it does make a difference. I am still tired of trying, I'm just tired in general of the rut I'm in, but at least I know I'm not the only one. If you're gonna have to struggle, isn't it better to make that struggle with someone else?

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, gimme the news--I gotta bad case of loving blues!! I feel like I'm alone in this. Is there anything I can do?

Doctor: Only one thing I can tell you to do, to cure the love sick blues, so listen carefully. My Rx is TALK, TALK, TALK and things will work out, you'll see.


Blogger JgStephan cried out...

I have already often noticed this. The weather influences the atmosphere of the people. But not only, sometimes it happens me so as if the weather goes by my mood. To speak or write about problems is always an advantage. There is nothing worse as to bottle things up.
Exactly with this point I have my problems. I load only very reluctantly my buddys with my problems.

9:48 PM  

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