Monday, September 12, 2005

My Conner.

I took the kids to the doctor on Friday and most of them are doing well--growing fine and healthy.

Conner is another story. For the last year I've noticed him "blanking out" when he talks often and when he does it, his eye shifts only slightly. I started to suspect it may be a neurological thing so I brought it up to the doctor of course. She strongly suspects it is a form of epilepsy called "Absence Seizures" otherwise known as "Petite Mal Seizures". The test needed to confirm this so that he can get medication and get it under control runs around $500. We could swing that, but that's only the test. He also has to see a neurologist and have follow visits to try to find out why and make sure he doesn't have a tumor or anything. *sigh* I know we need to do these things for his well-being and I wouldn't put it off just to have that vacation or new couches, but I'm just lamenting the insurance situation in our country. It's so nice that we can afford to liberate Iraq and pay billions for hurricane victims (I'm not saying they don't need it.), but we can't make sure that every child who has a potentially life threatening illness can get the care they need. I've already put it off longer than I wanted, because of how much it will cost and ignorance is bliss----or so they say. But I can't deny it, and I wouldn't. But it makes me think about the parents who have children with cancer or that do have a brain tumor and put it off like I did and don't find out till it's too late. All because they're not welfare poor, but can't afford to come close to hitting their health insurance deductible (ours is $4000.) This country has issues. But we kept the shitty president we had because we couldn't stand the thought of gay marriage. Hmmm...What's more important? Having a war we can't afford and no healthcare or having a dude marry a dude that in no way effects anyone but the people getting married and doesn't stop a man and woman from marriage. Me? I choose the health of our children--of my son. I guess Bush prefers my son to have seizures.

I gotta go now, I feel the need to hug my babies.


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