Friday, October 14, 2005

PAY ATTENTION because it's all...
About Me
- Name: Daydream Queen
- Location: Far, Far Away
I am the Queen of my house of men. I'm me. And that's all I can be. I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam. (I'm a Popeye fan--argcacaca!) And if you don't like it I don't give a damn. Hahaha! Mememe, this is all about me. And my family I guess, but they're a part of me--the biggest part. I'm a freespirit with a loud mouth and that's how I'll stay till the day I die. You can like it or love it, I'm just gonna keep on keepin' on!
Old Stuff

- News about Conner...
- Family on the Nip.
- Potter Fever...
- You musta been a beautiful baby...
- The results are in...
- A lovely day, a lovely day, it's a lovely day!
- 21 questions. (ok, it's really 50.)
- Some shots.
- My head hurts.
They're always watching us...

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