Thursday, October 13, 2005

News about Conner...

Con's appt yesterday was awesome! This PN was great with him. Made him laugh with his impression of what the seizures looked like and got him to hyperventilate by blowing on his fingers and telling him how tough he was (he had to blow for 3 mins and he had 5 seizures--4 little, 1 big--in that time *shock* ). He explained it to Conner like Conner knew what was going on (treated him like a big kid--earning major brownie points from Con.) He was sooo nice. He said that based on the EEG there's no way it's from a tumor or aneurysm so we're thanking GOD for that, and he won't need and MRI or CAT scan so that's great news! Talked to me about our options (different drugs) and put me in control of the dosages. He told me Conner could go up to 750 mg/day of Depocote, but that if I felt like the seizures were under control at say 250 mg, that I could stop there. He said I'm the specialist and he's just the assistant. He also said that he incontinence Con has almost daily is most likely caused by the seizures so hopefully the meds will put a stop to that to (thank GOD--I'm so sick of peepee laundry from my 7 year old, not to mention it's really embarrassing for him!)
The bad news was that he has more than just Absence Seizures (Petit Mal), because he has an erratic pattern on the EEG and he has physical manifestations sometimes (his head tics slightly), BUT he'll still out grow it and it still won't cause further damage or affect his intelligence. The worst part of that is that he can climb trees, because if he had one of the longer seizures he could fall out and break a leg or worse--he's gonna hate that (I haven't told him yet.), AND because these are very toxic drugs if he's taking to high of a dose, he has to have his blood drawn every 5 weeks to test liver function and the level of the meds in his blood stream. But most kids who go through these things get used to it--and I'm sure he will too. *cry* And the doc said most kids only have to take the meds for a year--so that's good news. I'm not sure if the seizures stop after then of what. So that's how it stands. I'm feeling pretty confident about it, even if it is gonna cost $120 a month *shock* (that's what the doc said), we have a tough boy and he's gonna be fine.

Hubby's going to the Texas vs. CSU (?) game in Austin this weekend so it's just me and the boys again. Jason's b-day is tomorrow--I can't believe my BABY's turning 2!!!!! I seems like just yesterday. We're not having a party till next weekend though since Dad's leaving tonight. Weather is nice and mild here, but no snow yet. Leaves are falling like crazy though, so it won't be long. I gotta go have more coffee now--peace out all!


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