Friday, September 30, 2005

A lovely day, a lovely day, it's a lovely day!

Snow's coming soon--yay!!! The weather here is beautiful and I finally got a work-out in this morning instead of being lazy. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to stick with it and make that push for the last 10 pounds I have to lose. And it's not just weight, I'm sick of having a flabby stomach even if it is thinner. I want is as hard as I can get it. I've gained back up to like 135, in case you were wondering, and I think it's gone far enough. I barely got into my size 5's, I don't need to go up again or I won't have any pants to wear!!

For those of you who were wondering, the test went fine. I left the house later than I wanted, so I had to poke and tickle Conner to keep him awake after 5, but then we got to have a "date" for breakfast and then the test was no biggie. Conner was a little worried at first that the electrodes would hurt when they took them off, so the tech pulled one off and showed him it wouldn't, and then he was fine. The hardest part was getting him to lay still until he fell back alseep, but then he just got to sleep for 2 hours and look at a strobe light with his eyes closed while he was waking up. He got a copy of part of the read-out, so he thinks that's really cool--he has a printout of his brain! He having a good ole time with his new Dallas Cowboys Nerfball at school and now we just wait for the test results to come back. They said about 5 days. I'm not too nervous, I think we can handle anything.

Jody's got something up his sleeve that he says will be great for us. Don't know what that means, but I'm not going to needle it out of him this time, I'm just going to be surprised for a change. I have to confess that I'm really wondering though...

We have digital cable now, with like 50 music channels, so my musical abstinence is finally over---yay!!! Peace out ya'll!


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