Tuesday, September 27, 2005

21 questions. (ok, it's really 50.)

1. What is your middle name? Marie

2. What color underwear are you wearing? Lavender

3. What are you listening to right now? Teletubbies (The cartoon? PBS-kids*shrugs*)

4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 65 (so close!)

5. What was the last thing you ate? A Nutty Buddy--but only one.

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Blue

7. How is the weather right now? Chilly and breezy

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? A friend

9. What's the first 2 things you notice about the opposite sex? Arms and Eyes

10. Favorite type of Food? The good kind. (I like to try new things.)

11. Do you drink? I've been known to.

12. Do you smoke? I've been known to--but I don't buy 'em! *wink*

13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember what you did? Only once.

15. Eye Color? Hazel (A guy once said they were amber--that's cool.)

16. Do you wear contacts? No

17. Single? Nope.

18. Favorite Month? April---heehee

19. Have you ever cried for no reason? I usually have a reason. I cry easily and often.

20. Last Movie you Watched? Daredevil

21. Favorite Day of the Year? My birthday, maybe tied with Christmas because I love the looks on my boy's faces.

22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Probably--but I haven't been faced with that since I was 15 and the guys usually asked the girls in my day.

24. Hugs or Kisses? Both.

25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

26. Do you want your friends to respond? It's cool--whatever.

27. Who is most likely to respond? ???

28. Who is least likely to respond? Jody

29. What books are you reading? Harry Potter series right now--and a book on expanding my vocabulary--I'm proliferating.

30. Piercings? Ears and they're from when I was 7 and rarely see earrings. I a low maintenance gal.

31. Fav. Movie? LOTR--#1

32. Fav. baseball Team? Astros

34. Any pets? Well, if you count the mice and skunks that live under the house...


36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? I don't eat corn, it makes you fat.

37. Dogs or cats? I'd love either. But probably cats--they're low maintenance.

38. Favorite Flower? Daisies.

39. Guy or Girl? *me or my sexual preference? I'm a woman who likes men (well, only one--but you KWIM.)

40. Music, loud or soft? That depends on my mood.

41. Sci-Fi or fantasy? Fantasy

42. Who inspires you? My mom.

43. Tell us about your life's epiphany? I'm still waiting for it. Right now I'm plodding through.

44. Have you ever fired a gun? 19 out of 20 in the prone baby--would have been 20 but I had my safety on for the first shot. DON'T piss me off!!!

45. Do you like to travel by plane? I wish I was a flight attendant.

46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Right

47. Where are you? Home in my downstairs living room.

48. How many pillows do you sleep with? One.

49. Are you missing someone? You could say that.

50. Who do you think is gorgeous? Uhhh?? My babies!!! (ok, and Brad Pitt in Troy if you twist my arm!)


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